cut up

cut upcut up1.(布料等)裁得出This piece of material may be cut up to make a pair of trousers.这块布料可以裁一条裤子。That piece of cloth will cut up into a jacket.那块布料可以裁成一件外套。2.切碎, 切割开Let's cut up the chicken and make some soup.我们把鸡剁成块煮汤吧。3.砍伤, 使…受伤; 毁坏The heavy truck cut up the new lawn.新草坪被重型卡车辗得伤痕累累。Her younger brother was cut up by a robber last week.她弟弟上周被歹徒砍伤。4.恶作剧, 胡闹He often cut up in public.他常常当众胡闹。5.对…吹毛求疵, 抨击The film was severely cut up by many reviewers.这部电影受到许多评论者的严厉批评。6.使悲痛, 使伤心His son's death cut him up badly.他儿子的死使他十分难过。

cut up1.切碎,割碎,剪碎:She cut up the carrots and put them in the pot.她把胡萝卜切碎放入锅中。2.[口语]摧毁,毁坏;使受伤:to cut up the enemy forces摧毁敌军3.[口语]使伤心,使悲痛:This news cut him up badly.这个消息使他非常难过。4.[俚语]卖弄;炫耀;插科打诨:The young man would always cut up if there were any girls.那个年轻人一遇到姑娘总是插科打诨。5.苛评;抨击:His latest novel was cut up by the reviewers.他的最新小说被评论家批得体无完肤。

见:cut: cut up